Urgent Care Clinic - Doctor Closed?

Medicare Urgent Care Clinic

When it’s urgent but not life-threatening

Find your nearest Urgent Care Clinic or Service

Penrith Medicare Urgent Care Clinic

We have one Commonwealth-funded Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in the Nepean Blue Mountains region located at Our Medical Penrith in Jamisontown (at Penrith Homemaker Centre).

The Clinic:


Urgent Care Clinics do not replace the need for you to have a regular GP, who should always be the first point of contact for your urgent healthcare needs. Urgent Care Clinics cannot provide healthcare services such as vaccinations, preventative health screening, mental health care plans or chronic disease management.

If you or a loved one has a life-threatening injury or illness, do not attend a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic. Do not attend an Urgent Care Clinic for chest pain or tightness, breathing difficulties, uncontrollable bleeding, severe burns, poisoning, numbness or paralysis, ongoing fever in infants, or if the patient is unconscious, unresponsive or having seizures. Call triple zero (000) or go to your nearest emergency department.

Penrith Medicare Urgent Care Clinic



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